Major Student Organizations

  • 주요학생단체
  • 주요학생단체

To improve the welfare of students, a variety of student organizations exist on campus – Student Association, Department Student Activities Association, Women’s Student Association, Student Club Association, Dormitory Council, School Magazine Editorial Board and PBS among many others.

Major Student Organizations
Organization name Purpose of activities Contact
Presidential Board of Students’ Union
  • A student representative organization
  • Represent students’ opinions and interests and present the direction of activities.
Central Executive Committee
  • Responsible for managing the overall business of the Undergraduate Student Association.
Department Students Representative Council
  • A council comprised of presidents from each department student association, aimed at developmental discussion, smooth and efficient operation and democratic coordination of opinions for each department.
Class Students Representative Council
  • A council composed of 2nd year student representatives from each class, aimed at developmental discussion, smooth and efficient operation and democratic coordination of opinions for each class.
Student Club Association
  • For the smooth and efficient operation of each club so that club members can participate in extracurricular activities.
Women’s Student Association
  • Communication and support for women students.
  • Establish a living and learning environment where men and women students can work in harmony in engineering and technology community.
Dormitory Council
  • To develop dormitory culture and improve the rights of students residing in the dormitory.
School Magazine Editorial Board
  • One of the media organizations representing POSTECH Student Association, a standing professional committee in order to publish a school magazine.
PBS (Broadcasting Station)
  • One of the media organizations representing POSTECH Student Association, a standing professional committee specified in broadcasting activities.
Sharing Thoughts
  • A standing professional organization in order to represent and support the preparatory committee of various events organized by Student Association to improve the educational rights of students.
Student Educational Committee
  • A standing professional organization in order to implement various research and business activities to improve the educational rights of students.
Department : Student Affairs
Last Modified : 2016-09-12