POSTECH Ranked #1 in Science & Engineering in the JoongAng Daily University Rankings

2015-11-26 901

POSTECH topped the JoongAng Daily University Rankings both in natural science and engineering, yet again proving that it is the best science and technology university in Korea. POSTECH excelled in both quantity and quality of research by receiving the highest score in the number of international journal publications and citation counts.

POSTECH’s exceptional research quality had already been reported earlier this year as POSTECH took the third place in citations per faculty, a higher place than Harvard or MIT, according to the Quacquarelli Symonds’ (QS) list of World University rankings announced in September 2015. Citations per faculty are known to best measure research strength while taking into account the size of an institution because the more frequently a researcher’s work is cited by peers the higher the impact his/her work has in a given field.

In the publication of its university assessment results, the JoongAng Daily, reported in detail, in particular, about POSTECH’s positive feedback loop for research strength, citing Professor Young-Chul Sung (Dept. of Life Sciences)’s development of a vaccine that can treat cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Prof. Sung’s case shows that POSTECH’s superb research infrastructure and support creates outstanding outcomes that lead to high income back to the university through technology commercialization. The reinvestment of funding contributes to maintaining and enhancing POSTECH’s research environments in turn.

POSTECH has also outperformed other universities in education, especially in faculty retention and educational expenditures per student compared to tuition fees. Students seem to be largely satisfied with their educational experiences at POSTECH, according to the JoongAng Daily assessments, as it recorded the highest completion rate (in other words, the least dropout rates) among universities specialized in science and engineering.

The JoongAng Daily, one of the major daily newspapers published in Korea, annually announces university assessment results and rankings. POSTECH has been ranked number 1 nine times in the comprehensive assessment since 1994. This year, POSTECH was number one in science and engineering as the comprehensive assessments were divided into two types, humanities and social sciences on another side.