POSTECH Ranked at the Top among the Asia’s Specialized Universities
POSTECH ranked at the top in the Asia’s Specialized Universities category in the assessment of the Asian University Ranking 2010 conducted by the Chosun Ilbo and QS, the global university evaluation institute of the U.K.
POSTECH showed significant improvement this year by jumping from 17th to 14th in the overall ranking. POSTECH ranked the eighth for ‘papers per faculty’, and 14 that the ‘citation per paper’ which helped POSTECH to receive higher grading.
“POSTECH’s innovative policies such as implementation of the bilingual campus as part of its 3-year globalization project and the strict tenure review system will be the steppingstones to receive even more favorable evaluation in the future,” said a representative from QS – Chosun Ilbo.
The assessment of the Asian University Ranking covered 448 universities in 11 countries in Asia. This assessment was conducted in four areas: research capabilities, quality of education, reputation of graduates, and degree of globalization. The Specialized Universities Sector in which POSTECH topped the list evaluated universities which offer majors in four or fewer fields among Liberal Arts, Engineering, Life/Medical Science, Natural Science, and Social Science.