POSTECH Shares MOOC Courses with Universities Affected by COVID-19

2020-03-02 533

– POSTECH shares 57 online courses through its own MOOC platform, POSTECHx.
– They include an official course for Beijing Jiaotong University. Certificate from POSTECH president to be issued upon completion of course.

As many universities delay the start of the new semester due to COVID-19, preparing educational programs for students who are facing an “involuntary” spring break has become a hot issue. For those universities struggling to come up with a solution, POTECH will share its MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) with universities and students at home and abroad for the first time.

POSTECH is sharing basic to advanced courses on AI and big data, and key technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution including blockchain, IoT, and 5G networks. There are a total of 57 courses including those offered through existing platforms such as K-MOOC, STAR-MOOC, and Coursera.

Among the courses offered, ‘Linear Algebra’ – produced in English – is an official course for the students of Beijing Jiaotong University. Students can register for any course by simply signing up as a member on POSTECHx (

Upon completion of all required work and quizzes on the POSTECH’s platform, a certificate from POSTECH’s president will be issued. It is up to each university to officially credit the course.

POSTECH is sharing its contents at no cost not only to curb the flow of Chinese international students into the country and to use MOOC instead, but also to help those universities facing difficulties arranging for MOOC courses quickly.

However, due to the nature of POSTECH, most of its courses are in science and engineering, and in need of courses in humanities and social sciences. Interest and participation from other universities are encouraged.

President Moo Hwan Kim stated, “The proliferation of COVID-19 is a national challenge, but it is a time to reaffirm the need for universities to develop new educational programs to cope with disasters.” He added, “Catalyzed by POSTECH’s sharing of its MOOC programs, I hope that we can overcome this difficulty together by sharing educational programs and contents across universities.”

For those universities wishing to integrate POSTECH’s MOOC courses into their curriculum, they can contact POSTECH’s Innovation Center for Education at 054-279-3594.