Prof. Namyoon Lee wins IEEE Outstanding Young Researcher Award

2016-10-14 1,204


Prof. Namyoon Lee (Dept. of Electrical Engineering) has been selected as one of the 2016 IEEE Asia-Pacific Young Researcher Award recipients. Sponsored by the IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Board (APB), this award honors young researchers who have been very active in IEEE ComSoc publications and conference activities over the last three years.

The award is in recognition of his contributions to the field of wireless communication systems and statistical signal processing. Prof. Lee, who owns twenty related patents in the U.S. alone, was with the Nokia Research Center at Berkeley and Wireless Communications Research (WRC) at Intel Labs before joining POSTECH this year.

Prof. Lee’s research focuses on developing and analyzing future wireless communication systems using tools including multi-antenna network information theory, stochastic geometry, and machine learning algorithms. He received his Ph. D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin in 2014.