Professor Sarah Sunah Park of POSTECH Has Been Appointed to the Editorial Advisory Board of JACS, the World’s Most Prestigious Chemistry Journal

2024-05-20 228

박선아 교수_영문
Professor Sarah Sunah Park from the Department of Chemistry at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) was appointed to the Editorial Advisory Board of the “Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS)”, widely regarded as the world’s most prestigious chemistry journal in January.

Established in 1879 and published by the American Chemical Society, JACS is an international journal renowned for being one of the most influential in the fields of organic and inorganic compounds, materials science, and biochemistry.

Professor Sarah Park joined POSTECH in 2020 after earning her PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and completing a postdoctoral fellowship at Northwestern University. Renowned for her research in the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks and colloidal crystals, she is currently focused on designing new materials with target properties and studying fundamental properties such as redox activity, electron/ion conductivity, and magnetic properties, with a goal to integrate them into applications like energy storage and electrochemical catalysts.

In Korea, along with Professor Sarah Park, Professor Sukbok Chang from the Department of Chemistry at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) who is Director of Center for Catalytic Hydrocarbon Functionalizations at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and Jinwoo Cheon, Professor of Chemistry at Yonsei University and Director of the Center for NanoMedicine at the IBS, have been appointed to the Editorial Advisory Board of the JACS.