BK21 / IBS


  • BK21 FOUR(Brain Korea 21 Fostering Outstanding Universities for Research) is a national human resources development project initiated to produce creative, Master’s and doctoral-level human resources that will lead the Creative Economy of Korea, and to promote creation of new knowledge and technology based on creativity.
  • Vision : Leading innovative university improving human life and pioneering new scholarly horizons
  • Goal
    • Enhancing research competence in core academic fields and fostering future academic generations
    • Reform of graduate school systems and obtaining substantiality of graduate school education
  • Period : 2020.09.01.~2027.08.31. (7 years)

IBS Campus Research Centers

  • The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) was established with the vision of “Making Discoveries for Humanity & Society”. To achieve this vision, IBS selects and operates Centers based on the following four guiding principles: scientific excellence of researchers, openness through research collaboration, creativity of research themes and autonomy in research. Centers concentrate on the research of basic sciences such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, life sciences, convergence, etc. Directors choose the themes of their research and allocate funds accordingly. Generally, Centers operate projects with no fixed term for their duration as long as the quality of research is verified in evaluations.
  • POSTECH has attracted 4 IBS campus research centers in 4 different fields – Chemistry, Life Sciences, Mathematics, and Physics, and research funds of more than 100 billion won from the year 2012 to 2016.
본교캠퍼스 연구단 분야, 연구단명, 연구단장, 홈페이지링크에 대한 설명을 나타내는 표입니다.
Field Research Center Director Homepage Link
Chemistry Center for Self-assembly and Complexity Prof. Kim, Kimoon
Physics Center for Epitaxial van der Waals Quantum Solids Prof. Jo, Moon-Ho
Mathematics Center for Geometry and Physics Prof. Oh, Yong Geun
Physics Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Sys Prof. Yeom, Han Woong
Department : Sponsored Research
Last Modified : 2022-06-16