
Special Lecture by Ambassador Sara Solís Castañeda

Past 2023-04-14 14:00 348

We are inviting Postechians to the special lecture by Dr. Sara Solís Castañeda, Ambassador of Guatemala to the Republic of Korea, to enhance the understanding on Mayan civilization and its scientific contribution.
1. Date/Venue: Friday, April 14, 2023 / POSCO International Center, Auditorium (1F)
2. Attendee: Open to all members of POSTECH
3. Registration: April 3-12 / https://forms.gle/H4z5FfP4c5kBSx9C7
4. Topic: The Mayan Civilization and Its Scientific Contributions
5. Inquiries: External Relations and Communications (054-279-2415, jyhuh@postech.ac.kr)

23 주한과테말라대사 특강 포스터-(영)