
Students Participate in Nobel Week 2023

2023-12-26 237

The Nobel Week 2023 student delegation, comprising 30 undergraduates from POSTECH, recently participated in the Nobel Week festivities that took place from December 6 – 12 in Stockholm and Gothenburg in Sweden.

The trip was designed to inspire Postechians to be future Nobel Laureates. The program’s goal was to motivate students to mold their future on the international stage and cultivate their potential as global leaders in science and technology.

Nobel Week 2023 encompasses a series of events held in Stockholm and Gothenburg, Sweden, coinciding with the annual Nobel Prize ceremony. During their participation in the program, the delegation attended lectures delivered by this year’s Nobel Laureates and also the Nobel Week Dialogue. This dialogue facilitated discussions among eminent scientists and leaders in diverse fields, addressing the recent pressing global issue of migration.

The students undertook visits to renowned universities and research institutions abroad. They explored the academic environment at Uppsala University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, immersing themselves in cutting-edge learning environments. Additionally, they gained exposure to state-of-the-art laboratory facilities at the SciLifeLab in Sweden and the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MPI-FKF) in Germany. During the program, a networking session provided the opportunity for the delegation to hear firsthand from POSTECH alumni currently pursuing studies in Europe, gaining valuable insights into their experiences and life abroad.

Emphasizing its commitment to global engagement, POSTECH plans to continue this program in the coming years, ensuring that undergraduate students participate in a diverse range of experiences that broaden their perspectives and enhance their education.

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